Number Twelve is all the important stuff you don’t see, this is where we keep your site safe by regular backups and updating plugins and other boring technical, but vital security material.
ManageWP ManageWP is a tool that enables you to manage multiple WordPress websites from a single platform, without the need to log into and out of multiple accounts.
Key Features:
Manage multiple WordPress websites using a centralized dashboard.
Update plugins, themes, and WordPress itself.
Run security and performance checks.
Receive email alerts when updates are available.
Clone and backup your WordPress sites.
Run regular backups & uptime monitor.
Server management When you commission us to create a new website, the first and arguably most important decision is the choice of hosting server.
One of our clients had a decent website built some years ago and asked us to look over it with a view to improving SEO. This site was very slow and simply moving them to a better server showed a huge change in their SEO scores. Check out the speed now
However there is nothing simple about changing servers, that is where our specialist expertise comes in.
Contact us for more information or a free quotation.